Another important building in Cernik is the Kulmer-Marković castle, which was erected on the site of a former medieval fortress. From 1372 the Ottomans in the fort had a armory, a granary, a “beg” house, the headquarters of a “dizdar” (city commander) and a small mosque. The fort was entered via a drawbridge.
The Austrian army demolished the old fortress on the grounds that they did so that the Turks could not conquer it again if they penetrated Slavonia. The fort was then partially rebuilt by Baron Maximilian Petrash. After the estate was purchased by the noble Markovic family in 1756, the fortress took on its baroque form, the baroque restoration of the fortress began and it turned into a noble castle. Reminder to this This restoration is coat of arms of the Markovic family above the entrance to the castle.
Despite its numerous reconstructions and its current neglect, the castle retained a medieval Renaissance appearance, a square building with an inner courtyard and round towers at the corners.