Do we even need to mention the wealth of folklore customs of our Posavina, the beauty of costumes and the joy of tambura music?
If ethnic is not what you like, then surely you like eno and gastro, and for owners of a demanding palate, there is no better location than the Brod-Posavina County and its food and drinks.
And if you are not even a sweet tooth, then you will find a good reason to come to numerous concerts and festivals.
Švarglijada– ethno-gastro manifestation organized by the association “Kulin – Bećarac” in Stari Petrovo Selo
Carnival riding-This festival of the typical customs of Posavina’s villages, which is held in the memory of the old frontier soldiers, takes place in almost all the villages of this area (Sikirevci, Ruščica, Dragalić, Oriovac…).
Matijevo – Ethno-traditional event in Nova Kapela
Carnival riding– carnival riding in village Ruščica
In the fairy-tale world of Ivana Brlić Mažuranić – a children’s event that continues the tradition of meetings (since 1970). in memory of the great Croatian and world writer of children’s fairy tales. There is an abundance of content intended for children, such as drama, art and computer workshops, theater performances, playrooms, story rooms, meetings with writers, exhibitions, music and stage programs…
XCM Fortress – circular MTB race – 05.04. organization BK Festung
International accordion festival “Bela pl. Panthy” – organized by the ship’s accordion orchestra
I like my bike -Bike ride organized by Slavonskobrod cyclists, approximate dates: 26.4. or 3.5.
Auto Rally – Traditionally held as a part of the Day of the City of Slavonski Brod and has an international character. Visit the pertinent automobile showcase by Brod’s automobile companies.
Playful Manes – A horse-riding manifestation in Trnjanski Kuti which consists of an all day long inspection and showcase of horses and a parade of wedding carriages.
Nasred placa, nasred Perkovaca –
ethnic traditional manifestation in Stari Perkovci, KUD Ravnica
Dani tradicijske kulture – ethnic traditional manifestation in Cernik
Novogradiški music festival – Nova Gradiška, organisation by youth association “Euterpa”
Mega Biker’s Meetings – They are traditionally held in the sports and recreation centre “Poloj” as a part of the Day of the City of Slavonski Brod and they have an international character. Among the abundance of interesting content, which attracts several thousand visitors every year, the following should be highlighted – motorbike games, acceleration races, a motorbike parade with exhibitions, rock concerts, etc..
Brod’s Music Summer – A cultural manifestation which consists of programmes in the theatre and concert hall (opera, operetta, ballet), chamber concerts in the Franciscan church and open air popular and ethno music concerts
Oriovita – Wine evaluation, agricultural fair and fish festival in Oriovac municipality.
White pearls of Slavonia – Exhibition of horses and carriages, as part of the “Brodsko kolo” organized by the “Slavonia” Horse Breeding Association
Antunovo in Batrina – Traditional ethnic manifestation in Batrina near Nova Kapela, KUD Šokadija
Oriovac harvest festivities – ethno-traditional manifestation, KUD “Luka Ilić Oriovčanin”
Stari Slatnik summer – ethno-traditional event in Stari Slatnik
Oj Sibinju lipo selo naše tebe krase i cure i snaše – Folklore exhibition in Sibinje
Brod’s Circle Dance – The eldest folklore parade in Croatia. It encompasses various programmes like art and ethnographic exhibitions, book promotions, children’s parades, ceremonial wagons parades, original singing parades, original folklore parades, a Croatian folk costumes fashion show and a beauty contest for the most beautiful Croatian woman in a folk costume.
International Old-timer’s Meeting – The Nova Gradiška Old timer club classic 99 organizes an old-timer parade which gathers numerous fans of these old-fashioned 4-wheeled pets
Rockstarci – Rock music festival in Stari Petrovo Selo, organized by the Association for the Integration of Youth Music Culture “Starci 2001”
The Fishiad – A gastronomic contest in the cooking of the so called „fish“, a famous spicy fish soup. It is held in Slavonski Brod, by the Sava river. It is an unforgettable experience to see all the visitors enjoying themselves in the smells of the spicy red paprika, the best of fish and good wine while countless fires under fish-filled cauldrons shine a light on the darkness clad river.
Vidit će se na sv. Iliju koja cura ima đuvegiju –
folklore festival in Velikoa Kopanica
Fisherman’s Evenings in August – They are held in Davor, a place where the Bosnian Vrbas river hands its wealth of fish and water to the Sava river. The fisherman’s evenings are filled with joy, a good atmosphere and socializing, all honouring the memories of this part of Posavina.
Nova Gradiška’s Musical Summer – The manifestation is held on the main city square and is divided into four theme evenings: rock music, tambura music, popular music and folk music.
CMC festival – Along with many pertinent programmes, the festival is held in August, in the baroque Brod Fortress – entry is free. During the festival, visitors can enjoy a top quality live performance with top-quality production, from audio equipment to scenography and lighting. Also, a part of the festival is the legendary musical manifestation the Rock Marathon which hosts performances by both the veteran and the new faces of the Croatian rock scene.
Sv. Klara –
Ethno traditional manifestation in Nov Kapel
Ko 1. magarac – Cycling organized by Slavonskobrod cyclists, approximate dates: 06.09. or 13.09.
XCM Petnja – MTB maraton – 06.09. u organizaciji BK Festung
Mali Pariz – Klakar – bicycle race – approximate date: 05.09.. or 13.09. bicycle race, organized by the Lima association
The Stupnik Vintage – This is a manifestation with both a cultural and a commercial meaning. It is held in Brodski Stupnik, west of Slavonski Bord. It marks the beginning of the vintage at Stupnik’s slopes of the Dilj Mountain which is one of the best vineyard localities in continental Croatia. Simultaneously, the manifestation promotes tradition through folk art, gastronomy and crafts.
Sikirevac motifs – Lace exhibition in Sikirevci, organization – “Sikirevac motifs” association
Ižimača (“The Wringing”) – A traditional manifestation of wringing juice from mature domestic apples. The manifestation is held in Beravci, a picturesque village in the east of the Brod-Posavina County.
The Meeting of Tamburas – A delight for all lovers of tamburas, it is held in Slavonski Kobaš and Trnjanski Kuti.
Slavonia Open – A traditional international acrobatic „rock and roll“ contest which acts as the finale of the Croatian cup, where the best acrobatic „rock and roll“ dancers, as well as show dancers and certain special guests can be seen.
Drum drumila – ethno traditional event in Brodski Stupnik
Brod Pechenkijada – On Poloj, organized by Brod Motorcycle Club, the biggest pork festival in the country
St. Catherine’s Fair – An old crafts fair in Slavonski Brod.
Vine festival Martinje – “Sv. Vinko” association of fruit growers and winegrowers, in Stari Petrovo Selo
Advent in Slavonski Brod – Along with a standard gastronomic offer at city’s main square, you can also enjoy various entertainment programs, inspect the stands of local gastro delicacies producers and you can warm yourself up with some mulled wine.
Advent in Nova Gradiška – Socializing while drinking mulled wine and enjoying Slavonian specialties, exploring stands with handmade souvenirs from local family run farms and enjoying various entertainment programs – all of that is the standard offer of this fair, held at the city’s main square.
Advent in Cernik – Advent fair in Cernik
Na salaši kod Betlema – Ethno-traditional event in Stari Perkovci, KUD Ravnica